8 galleries
The images provided in this gallery are the work of Jason Blair and the copyright remains the property of Katabatic Creative Ltd. They are provided via a license to Tourism Chatham Islands for the purpose of promoting tourism and related business. Through this license agreement, TCI has made the images available to it’s members for digital and print advertising.
Approved usage includes paid and unpaid advertising, point of sale display, posters, brochures, editorial and advertorial content which is principally for the purpose of tourism promotion, website and social media usage. Where possible, attribution to Jason Blair is required (tag @jaseblair on Instagram).
It does not include provision to non-TCI affiliated third parties without express permission from the copyright holder. It specifically excludes resale, usage as part of any product for sale (physical or digital) and any derivative work or modification.
If you wish to use one or more of these images for a purpose that does not conform to the intent and specification of this license please contact the copyright holder - Katabatic Creative Ltd. - to obtain permission, and negotiate payment and terms of use.
Downloading any image constitutes agreement to these terms. Improper use will be billed at fair market rates.